Welcome to Ideal Colleges CA

We want to help you find the college that will best suit you.
Right now, we are currently limited to the CSU system but we are working on incorporating more.
This is also our official news banner, check here to stay up to date!
Fafsa Applications are open, apply as soon as possible to have access to financial aid and more.
Click Here To apply

What To Remember When You Pick A College
1)You will make 48% more than a high school graduate on average.

2)Picking the right major is essential.

3)Only go to college if YOU want to.

Our Mission

At Ideal Colleges CA, we actually don't aim to get you into the college system. We aim to help you find a direction. We want every young person to know what they want to do with their life after high school. It happens to be that post-secondary education is the most popular option and if that is the path you choose, we want you to weigh your options.

Our Three Pronged Approach:

We believe when you choose college that there are three key factors to consider.

1)Pricing: Understanding how much your paying and what exactly your paying for is crucial. Americans owe 1.6 trillion dollars in student debt, don't be one of them.
2)Statistics: How does the school you are choosing compare to others in the area? What is the acceptance rate?
3)Majors: When choosing a school, you need to pick the one with the best program for your major. Some students fall in this trap and pick schools without considering the programs offered.

Meet the team:

Hello, my name is Zizo and I am a Computer Science Student. I currently attend SF State and I built this website on my own to help guide young people. I made this because this is a site that would have been helpful to me in high school. I didn't really have any direction when I graduated and it would have been nice to find a site that can atleast give some options. This is phase 1 of the project, expansion to include more options and finding more resources will possibly happen in the near future but as of right now, I am limited to the CSU system. I am happy to take any recommendations or implentation suggestions, just contact me and I will see if it is possible. Thank you for visiting!

If you have any direct questions or want to know more about me and this project, please use one of the contact options below:
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/zizo-ezzat-54725a1b3
Email: ziezzat2002@gmail.com
Please allow 12-48 hours for response time.

At IdealCA, we know that the pandemic can be a tough time. Please do not hesitate to seek help if you are struggling or know someone that is. Emergency Hotline